“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Adventures in T-Ball

So this spring we decided to sign all the boys up for baseball and Lilli for softball. This is the first time all 4 kids have been involved in activities, and it seems overwhelming worrying about getting them all to their different practices, along with our other activities we are already doing but so far we are making it work.

They have all had their first practices, and Lilli and Andrew are doing great considering this is their first year I am very proud of them, they are so enthusiastic it just makes me smile to see how much fun they are having!

Brady was really all over the place, but he loved hitting the ball, he has a pretty good arm but not to much attention for a 3 year old, but still it makes me so happy to see him play.
 Waiting his turn!
Practicing his swing.
 He hit the ball, YAY!!!

He made it to first!

He was worn out after about an hour of practice but I had fun watching him!

Jason was so great today at his first practice he went right in and introduced himself to the coach, practiced fielding ground balls, and throwing he's got an arm! And man can that boy swing a bat, and run I heard one of the other moms say "that boy has legs built for running!" I think Steven had more fun watching him, and helping him learn than Jason did playing!
Fielding ground balls!
Rounding second!
Going for third!
Getting in some hits! While Daddy cheers him on!

getting some advice from the coach!

I am so proud of all my kiddos!!!! Can't wait till they get to play in some games... 

Stay tuned for more adventures in T-Ball to come!

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